Pediatric Dentistry

Orthodontic Procedures for Kids: Dentist or Orthodontist?

As a parent, you want the best for your child’s dental health. You may have heard about the importance of early orthodontic treatment but are unsure whether a dentist for kids can perform these procedures. In this article, we will answer the question: can a pediatric dentist perform orthodontic procedures for my child?

What Is a Pediatric Dentist?

Before we delve into orthodontic procedures, let’s first define what a pediatric dentist is. A pediatric dentist is a dental professional who specializes in treating children from infancy through adolescence. They undergo additional training beyond dental school to learn about the unique needs of children’s dental health. 

Pediatric dentists are skilled in various dental procedures, including cleanings, fillings, and extractions. They also focus on preventive care, such as fluoride treatments and sealants, to help children maintain healthy teeth and gums.

What Are Orthodontic Procedures?

Orthodontic procedures involve braces or other dental appliances to correct bite and alignment issues. These issues can occur due to genetics, poor oral habits, or injury. Orthodontic treatment can help improve the appearance of the teeth and jaw and improve function and overall oral health.

Orthodontic treatment typically begins during adolescence, but some children may require early intervention. Early orthodontic treatment, or interceptive orthodontics, can help prevent more severe problems from developing later in life.

Can a Pediatric Dentist Perform Orthodontic Procedures?

Now that we have defined pediatric dentists and orthodontic procedures, let’s answer the question: can a pediatric dentist perform orthodontic procedures for my child?

The short answer is yes, a pediatric dentist can perform some orthodontic procedures. However, it depends on the specific procedure and the dentist’s training and experience.

Pediatric dentists can perform minor orthodontic procedures, such as space maintainers or limited orthodontic treatment. Space maintainers are used to hold space for permanent teeth to grow in, while limited orthodontic treatment focuses on correcting minor alignment issues.

You may need to see an orthodontist for more complex orthodontic procedures, such as traditional braces or Invisalign. Orthodontists are dental specialists who focus solely on orthodontic treatment. They undergo additional training beyond dental school to learn about the complexities of bite and alignment issues.

When Should I See an Orthodontist?

You should consult an orthodontist if your child requires orthodontic treatment beyond minor procedures, such as traditional braces or Invisalign. Orthodontists have the specialized training and experience to correct more complex bite and alignment issues.

Orthodontists can diagnose and treat a wide range of orthodontic issues, including overbites, underbites, crossbites, and crowded or crooked teeth. They will work with you and your child to develop a treatment plan tailored to their unique needs.

Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics

A pediatric dentist can perform some orthodontic procedures, but it depends on the specific procedure and the dentist’s training and experience. For more complex orthodontic treatment, such as traditional braces or Invisalign, you should seek a consultation with an orthodontist.

Whether your child requires orthodontic treatment or not, regular visits to a pediatric dentist are essential for maintaining their dental health. Pediatric dentists can help prevent dental problems before they arise and detect any issues early on. By working with your child’s dental team, you can ensure they have a healthy and beautiful smile for years to come.

If you’re looking for a dentist for kids, visit Deschutes Pediatric Dentistry. We offer a range of pediatric dental services in Bend (Eastside and Westside) as well as Redmond, to help your child maintain optimal oral health. Our experienced and friendly team is committed to providing your child with a comfortable and stress-free environment. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or learn more about our services.